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We can rise to any challenge, together
We can rise to any challenge, together

Welcome to Secure Solutions


SVA Holdings

Every organisation has a business plan in place that outlines the objectives it needs to achieve to create success and growth as well as the primary deliverables for which it is responsible.

From a consulting point of view, we superimpose a risk profile on top of this business plan to assess whether all possible risks to this success have been identified. We determine whether you and your business have efficient controls in place and an adequate level of understanding of the potential risks.

We are not here to teach our respected clients how to operate their businesses, but to collaborate and offer improvements by providing frameworks for corporate governance and other operational institutions.

Our dynamic corporate governance consulting engagement model takes into account every aspect of your business, from operational and departmental factors to the macro or strategic level.

Due to our strong relationships with the JSE and the insurance industry, our team of experts are able assess your current programmes to establish whether your assets are protected and advise further actions.

Our differentiator here is our exceptional level of impartiality and integrity, which has resulted in underwriters personally employing us to evaluate risk in various companies. This can in turn vastly reduce the number of audits required for our clients.

We also provide complete Operational Risk Control (ORC) that covers the people, systems and process management within companies as well as Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) that includes the methods and processes needed to manage or mitigate risk.




Take your business to new heights

When confronted with a storm, instead of hiding and waiting it out an eagle will choose to fly higher, above the clouds. Just like the eagle, we believe that with the support of our consulting services your business can reach new heights, therefore avoiding any storm that may come your way.

Our dynamic corporate governance enagagement model takes into account every aspect of your business.


We provide our clients with:

Risk analysis

Efficient controls

Effective solutions






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